I'd like to think I'm a bold person. I've taken a chance on something people don't understand. I realized that mostly I downplay how it actually feels so people don't find me delusional and sappy. I've come to love it and it is because I chose it. We criticize the things we don't understand and things we really haven't experienced. This week I've wanted one thing only, and so far I've found myself speaking about this one thing trying to express just how it is possible. Someone I've come to respect asked, how do I know for sure it will work? The thing is, I do not but what I believe is that love is a sure feeling, or as Miguel says, "...a sure thing". The guarantee that it will stay in the same place forever is unknown. Relationships are tricky for most parts especially something like what I have, but personally I've grown to understand that I first needed to be open to something like this. I didn't have expectations; I think I freed myself from wanting too much from something that would require so much from me. So I googled "Long distance relationships" today, and the two words that stuck out were 'geographically separated'. The only thing that hurts I'd assume is in fact the geography of this union, otherwise it is just as viable as any other relationship. I won't dismiss my concerns in the begin. I had a "now what?" phase at one point when I decided not to cripple what I was feeling; I had caught and so had he, now what?
He's patient with my impatience and impulsive nature. It wasn't something I actively sought. I think the brilliance of it was that I didn't try to appeal to his senses in anyway, I technically didn't care whether he liked me or not - I didn't have to try or hide. Geography did not decide what my heart wanted and felt, I'd chosen to love someone I'd never seen and it wasn't shocking at all. After all, it makes for a great story, wouldn't you say? I grew up analyzing everything I went through, the hows and whys and I wasted so much time trying to find ways around pain only to walk right through it either way. The point is, I've learned that we choose the people we love, and the time we spend thinking they're wrong or even the circumstance itself, we'll never find out what it was supposed to be in the first place. Your choice of loving does not need to make sense to anyone but you, I call that BACKGROUND NOISE. We're blessed to experience at least one good love in our lives, particularly now, in this millennial 'skrr' world we currently live in. I think my relationship is quite unique in my opinion, despite the hurdles, and it makes a lot of sense to me.
You've got perspective girl,this is true and not always realised. .