This week I thought of you a lot. I noticed how my lack of trust with people accelerates because of all the faces I see everyday. Yours is still the one I look for. It's a slight madness really, trying to find something I know I won't. Nay says to me frequently how she wants something like this. The other day, I told her not to wish for this tragedy I call love. People don't know I've not met you yet. Imagine, 9 months I've loved you without pause and I still know nothing of the scars on your face (if you have any at all), what the palms of your hands feel like or really just what it feels like to walk in your presence. Who in their right mind would volunteer for this torture? So I took a walk a few days back, and I thought of all the things that will hurt when we eventually meet. I thought of the limited time, I thought of the things you might not like, the things I might not like, I thought of how your smile will hurt... no really, this was it. It'll only last that long until it becomes a memory, one living in Joburg while I live out the rest of what is left of this year in the land of the brave. That is 1, 272.5km away by road, and 2 hours away by air. Living is quite shady with this temporary madness we call love to be honest. But for whatever time limit, and things you like or don't like, you give me so much from so far, although, I still wouldn't wish this on anyone. 


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  2. This is a deep thought....i hope there's nothing you dnt like about him when you meet up

  3. Cuzzzzz😭😭😭😭😭 I didn't know this is how you felt, omg but I still want your love life


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